一•適用對象Who is going to take the graduation benchmark test:
Sophomores who are not Foreign Languages and Literature majors
二、英語文畢業門檻 English graduation benchmark:
「多益測驗」 500 分或相當等級之英檢測驗
500 points in TOEIC or certificates of other standardized tests which show equivalent English proficiency
三、免試申請Regarding test waiving:
If a student has an English certificate, he/she can waive the test. However, the receiving date of the certificate should not be earlier than August 1st, 2014. From now on to 12/23, students can fill in an application form to waive the test. Students must provide: 1. an original copy of the certificate, 2. a photo copy of the certificate, and 3. a complete application form.
四、實行辦法 Graduation benchmark test:
作為通識英文最終學期 (目前該課程名稱為「實用英文」)之期末考學生將參加一次多益測驗,104-2學年全校測驗將於6月1日舉行)該測驗成績將作為學生之期末考成績,同時作為學生是否通過英語文畢業門檻之依據。
The TOEIC test on June 1st is also taken to be the final exam. The test score will be counted as final exam score according to the transferring chart.
Information of the chart can be found in CLTR.
五、 費用收取 Regarding the test fee:
1. 本項考試費用將納入學雜費代收款項,於大二下學期繳納學雜費時一併收取。
The fee will be charged with tuition fee of 104-2.
2. 大二學生參加各項英檢證照考試成績通過畢業門檻者,得於大二第一學期公告期間內辦理免參加畢業門檻考試,待程序完備後,則免收前項代收款項。
Students who completed the test waiving process won’t be charged the test fee.
3. 因特殊理由缺考者,中心將安排補考,無故缺考者,不得辦理退費或另行補考。
Students who cannot attend the test can attend the make-up test held by the Center if they complete a leave request form. If students miss the make-up test, the test fee won’t be refunded.
4. 考試提供紙本成績單。
A paper-based report card will be provided.