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Internship Students Feedback

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The department provides certain internship opportunities for the students, below is a list of the department’s internship partners,

China Medical University Hospital– Division of Medical Informatics

Tainan Municipal An-Nan Hospital - China Medical University

National Health Research Institute


Summer Internship

Fourth year students from the department held internship presentation after their training at the China Medical University Hospital.

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Y.J. Liu

Our internship at the information department of China Medical University Hospital allowed us to learn everything data related in a hospital. At the beginning this included “health management information platform – hospital and client side”, “accelerated promotion of electronic medical records”, “computer repair management”, “clinical pharmacist patrol system”, “consulting and establishing integrated systems for cancer and tumor”, and “hospital-wide integration of electronic signature operations”. As our professors introduced each theme, I made the decision and chose computer repair management. Once I learned this theme I would be able to manage my own computer from assembly to anti-virus software. Learning this topic utilized the “data repair platform” that gave me an understanding of the hospital’s internal repair conditions that allowed treatment for problems according to severity.

Even if we run into a few problems here, we could always consult our professors, gain an understanding, and work with them. In the beginning we stumbled a bit, but we gradually became autonomous. In the span of two months, I feel that I’ve improved drastically. When I first arrived, I didn’t know how to prepare and couldn’t understand the professor when they introduced topics. Later, once I chose the computer repair group I began to understand. When I first entered the group, I couldn’t even work a computer. After more than month of training, I can comfortably handle motherboards, CPUs, memory, fans, printers, card readers, setup LANs, anti-virus software, install operating systems, and make system adjustments. It’s thanks to guidance from the professors who had to guide us even while doing their own jobs. I would like to give my gratitude to these professors.

My internship here is very practical for my future. I was able to learn things I wouldn’t learn at school such as the importance of communication skills with users.


L.X. Chou

When I arrived at China Medical University what I faced was a higher ranked university. I felt anxiety when I saw the many talented students and I feared that they would beat me, but at the final moment we proved that with hard work, we could stack up to the many talented students.

At first I just wanted to learn some alternative knowledge. With this simple motive, I chose the repair department and from the moment when I opened my first computer, it was as if we entered a whole new world. Everything started from the basics and through accumulation of knowledge we went from not understanding a single thing to being able to comfortably install motherboards and components, and determine the source of damage. I never thought I would repair a computer, but the changes that occurred in two months were unbelievable.

In the beginning we only worked in the office doing simple OS installs, restores, and other simple repairs. We then followed our mentors and learned as they worked to develop the ability to handle simple cases. When we began to work independently, the many cases tested our patience and skill at each turn./span>

Theorizing is not as effective as getting your hands dirty, as skill requires practice to perfect. While we were especially clumsy at first, it was this mantra that allowed us to slowly accumulate through each step. Validation comes when the conditions of hard work have been met and things that seemed difficult are actually achievable.

Naturally, we also encountered helpless situations and conflicting positions in the workplace. Working as a member of society, one will inevitably deal with these problems and we not only learned technical skills, but also learned to adapt and handle interpersonal relationships for harmonious results. The path to success in the workplace is keeping your word, thinking before you speak, and developing a strong sense of responsibility.


J.R. Zhan

In an era of highly competitive workplaces, the things you learn in school may only be somewhat helpful in getting a job. The experiences you can absorb in the workplace while still in school can be highly beneficial in landing a job so I took the opportunity to gain some experience in the internship at China Medical University.

The information departments in hospitals used to seem very distant to me. When I first entered, the professors gave detailed explanations of their job roles that let us understand what they did and the details of the hospital’s data systems. After group discussions, I gave an oral report to the director. Afterwards he helped us adjust our goals so that we could learn more about the information department.

The head of the medical records department also described how they manage and arrange records. This showed us why the government wanted to promote electronic medical records as paper records take up space and are difficult to organize. The advent of electronic medical records helps hospitals save space, time, and are highly convenient./span>

During the internship I learned how to get along with others in the workplace and more importantly, how to communicate with them. This skill is critical.


Y.M. Chiang

In the two months of the internship, I went from having zero knowledge of computers to being able to repair computers. I gained a lot through this internship. Professors taught us the basic understanding of a computer’s structure then taught us the principles behind how computers work. We then learned how to repair printers, setup basic networks, and how to repair peripherals. I believe that in the future, these will be very helpful in school or in the workplace!

Aside from learning computer repair, the weekly progress report, preliminary project report, and end-of-term report allowed me to grasp key points and deliver a good report, despite my weakness in Chinese. The occasional oral reports also helped me practice my speaking and stage presence, which I believe will be greatly beneficial in my future. After all, bosses often decide the value of things through oral and written reports.

I want to thank professors for their guidance during this period. I especially want to think Professor Wuxi who not only taught us the details of repair, but also taught us how to improve our attitude in the workplace! I believe that once we go out into society, these are things that no one will teach us!

Although we had to wake up very early and couldn’t return until night during the internship, each day was fulfilling as we learned something different every day. Sometimes we worked on projects with professors or assembled computers in the office, but we were finally given a chance to work repairs independently towards the end! We handled computer problems by ourselves, and to be honest I learned the most during these days, as I had to apply all of the knowledge I learned. I thought I would have no problems after watching our professors, but I ran into countless problems when I worked by myself. I was distraught! After I endured these days, I am positive that my skill has improved!


Y.J. Yu

I was filled with expectation when I found out I was going to China Medical University for the internship, but when I got there I was quite bored until classes began. CMU was different from our university was we had to take the initiative to discuss topics with the professors. We also had meetings every Friday with the director; everyone was nervous before these meetings when we wrote our reports to discuss with the professors.

My primary focus at CMU Hospital was to learn how to establish an electronic medical records system. We began by writing a project proposal. I learned that project proposals were different from the reports we wrote in school; there were steps and required content. We also had to interview staff in the hemodialysis room to understand user requirements, and table formats. Through endless communication, adjustment, and continuous tracking, we achieved a complete operating system. Their requirements for a webcam contained considerations that differed from common usage. Aside from basic resolution, convenience, size, autofocus, and compatibility were critical. The doctors were better versed on the functions of webcams and that may have been because as users, they think about different aspects. After numerous adjustments, communications, and interface changes, we were finally able to achieve a design with high usability.