Milestone Approach! Teen Action Website Is Officially Online!

  • 2019-04-08
  • Admin Admin

The Youth Development Agency of the Ministry of Education has handled the "Teen Community Action Project" for more than 14 years and encouraged 455 youth teams to speak and act for the local community. Finally, in 2018, the "Changemaker" concept was transformed and the official website was set up to establish the local connection. In addition to making the implementation phase of the project clearer, it is expected that the youth achievements will continue to accumulate and spread their influence. 
The website provides complete online functions for the project, such as the online instant application proposal, on time number of applicants, online registration system, and the latest news column which provide various stages of executive information release, etc. In addition, the website design The "Action Charging Station" zone provides the latest trends and article appreciation of community action; the "Action Story" zone marks the Teen Action spots in Taiwan, and the youth team's footprints in Taiwan's land; the "Actors" zone set up a special page for the selected team, and the team will upload their implementation status, complete the action and promote the project concept. 
In the future, Changemaker's official website will continue to accumulate annual project results and team execution records, providing a broader perspective and direction for the new bloods joined later. For more details on Teen Action, please visit the Changemaker Project website (