The “AMC Dual Degree Winter Camp” at Asia University let high school students understand the educational system of the seven prestigious foreign universities that cooperate with Asia University.
The College of Management at Asia University (AU) organized the “AMC Dual Degree Winter Camp,” which was attended by 63 parents and students from all high schools in Taiwan. The camp encourages the high school students to study in various departments at AU, and then go to a well-known foreign university to obtain an inㄇternational dual degree. Prof. Chun-Wei Lin, Dean of the College of Management at AU, said that AU is led by President Jeffrey J.P. Tsai and has grown rapidly in international academic rankings. AU enters the “ 2019 THE Best Universities in the World ” and is ranked the 11th among the public and private universities in Taiwan. The university also enters the “2019 Top 20 Universities in Performance” evaluated by Cheers Magazine, and is ranked No. 5 in Taiwan and No. 2 in private universities in the country. Furthermore, AU enters the “Best University in Taiwan” evaluated by Foresight Magazine, is ranked No. 7 in Taiwan and No. 2 in private universities. Dean Lin said that the THE report published the “2021 World University Rankings by Subjects,” and the College of Management at AU is ranked No. 289 in the world in the field of “Business and Economics,” and No. 3 in Taiwan and No. 1 in private universities. Dean Lin also mentioned that AU has gradually gained international recognition, and will continue its efforts to move forward. Prof. Shieh-Liang Chen, Chair of the Department of the Business Administration at AU, pointed out that the Department of Business Administration has the best and strongest faculty in Taiwan. In addition to obtaining the AACSB International Business Management Certification and holding the Nobel Prize Masters’ international forums, the department also invites outstanding corporate celebrities to gives speeches, offers brand corporate internships, and encourages students to participate in job examinations. This means that the department is committed to cultivating innovative and sustainable management talents for big data marketing and international enterprises. Prof. Yu-Te Tu, CEO of the dual degree system, and Dr. Yu-Yin Hsu, an adjunct assistant professor at AU, demonstrated international etiquette, and introduced the degree-offering cooperations among AU, Northern Illinois University in America, Montpellier Business School in France, Rennes School of Business in France, the University of Victoria in Canada, and two universities in the UK and Switzerland. In these seven universities, the types of cooperation including double-degree programs of “2+2,” “2+2+1,” “3+1,” and “3+1+1.” They also introduced the international ranking, characteristics, admission requirements and fees of each school. Prof. Yu-Te Tu, a teacher of AU, takes the “2+2+1” academic system as an example, in which a student studies at AU for two years and studies at a well-known foreign university or research institute for the other three years to get a master’s degree. Furthermore, the “3+1+1 program” means that by studying three years in AU, one year in a foreign university, and one year in a foreign graduate school, a student can also get two bachelor degrees from two universities and a master degree from a foreign graduate school. Davey, a British student of AU, introduced British culture on the spot. He hopes that outstanding high school students who participate in the winter camp can obtain a dual degree through a well-known university that cooperates with the College of Management at AU.