Prof. Gene Sheu, Director of AU Semiconductor Center, has supervised the studies of many international students from India, Indonesia, etc., and most of them are hired by Taiwan companies after their graduations.
The UK Time Higher Education (THE) Report announces the 2017 global young university ranking result on April 6, and Asia University (AU) is listed in the top 150-200. A total of eight schools in Taiwan are within the top 200; and AU, being just 16 years old, is the youngest university of the eight.
The dean of R&D of AU, Professor Chih-Yang Huang, said that the ranking is based on the achievements of the evaluated universities in five aspects, including teaching, research, internationalization, academic reputation, as well as the numbers of citations per paper and the number of papers published per faculty member. These evaluation parameters indicate integrally the potential of a young university to become a first-class university in the world. The THE Young University Ranking Report includes the world’s best universities that are younger than 50 years.。
AU President Jing-Pha Tsai pointed out that AU keeps fostering excellence of school running continuously since her founding 16 years ago, and has great achievements in recent years. He also mentioned that Nanyang Technological University is ranked No. 3 in the above-mentioned 2017 THE Young University Ranking; National University of Singapore is ranked No. 1 in the 2017 THE list of best universities in Asia, and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is ranked No. 5 in the same list. AU has recently signed an MOU of academic cooperation with these three highly-ranked universities in the THE lists. “And this is really a great honor of Asia University,” said President Tsai.
Foreign and domestic students in a meeting discussing affairs about going aborad for international exchange activities.
President Tsai mentioned additionally that AU has cooperated with Nanyang Technological University to hold the 2017 International Conference for Big Data and AI in Medical & FinTech Applications on April 13. The conference invited the vice president of the Nanyang Technological University, Prof. Khin Yong Lam, and many other international scholars to join the academic meetings and discussions on the aspect of medical AI in the conference. Also participated in the conference are officers from the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Taiwan, scholars from Stanford University from the USA, and the GrenobleMedical College from France.
About the internationalization of AU, the Dean of the International College, Prof. Ying-Huei Chen, emphasized that AU aims to become a world-renown international university, and provides a total of eight ways for students to promote their international visions, namely, studying abroad, participating in academic exchanges, working as interns, joining volunteer programs, publishing papers in conferences, and taking part in international invention or design contests. In this year’s summer, it is expected that more than 500 AU students will go abroad to America, England, Singapore, Spain, Malaysia, etc. to conduct the above-mentioned eight ways of international exchange activities. “The key factors to success in these international participations are language ability, professional ability, and communication ability,” said Prof. Chen, “and for promotion of these students’ abilities, AU provides scholarships for new students and offers many language classes for English learning and tests (like TOEFL, TOEIC, etc.) on campus.”
This THE ranking of AU in the top-200 global young universities is really a good indication of the steady progress of AU’s school running toward the goal of becoming a world-famous university!”