AU Launched is Summer program 2021 starting Jun 28-Jul 21
About the Program
Students are invited to spend three weeks studying and learning professional knowledge and cultural experience in Taiwan. The program includes a wide range of academic and cultural topics, such as lecturing in financial valuation discovery and cultural communication involvement. The lecture series consist of Investment Analytics, MNE competition dynamics and real investment option under uncertainty. The cultural classes include field trips to historical heritages and famous night markets. Students will also explore Taiwan religion economy and learn about Ecotourism.
How To Apply
Students are invited to spend three weeks studying and learning professional knowledge and cultural experience in Taiwan. The program includes a wide range of academic and cultural topics, such as lecturing in financial valuation discovery and cultural communication involvement. The lecture series consist of Investment Analytics, MNE competition dynamics and real investment option under uncertainty. The cultural classes include field trips to historical heritages and famous night markets. Students will also explore Taiwan religion economy and learn about Ecotourism.
How To Apply